Beer for everyone. It is ALWAYS BEERTIME!

Beer for everyone. It is ALWAYS BEERTIME!

Tracksuit Pastry Sour


Кен/Can 500 ml.

Алкохол/Alc 8.2% vol

Out of stock

Tracksuit Pastry Sour  by Sofia Electric Brewing.

„Tracksuit“ е десертна бира с колосално количество български череши и вишни от Нови Пазар с добавени ванилия и лешници! Колегите ни от Дидко и Zen Brewing от Украйна помогнаха с добре подбраните малцове и настояха, че бирата трябва да е 500мл кен при 8.2%.
В бирата няма лактоза, но тялото е точно толкова силно!
Моля, съхранявайте на студено и пийте при 7-10C.

Sofia Electric Brewing was started as an idea behind a terminal in 2018 by Simeon Parvanov. After long and somewhat painful process the brewery finally started fermenting beers in the heart of Sofia in June 2020.

We believe that good beer is a basic human right and great beer is what we produce!

We want to create a center of creative beverage brewing in Sofia where the art of brewing can meet creativity and flourish.

Our doors are always open for collaborations and fun!

You May Also taste the other Sofia Electric’s beers on

Weight 0.600 kg


Пивоварна/Търговска марка

Sofia Electric Brewing






Fruited Sour

