Westmalle Dubbel 750ml
Бутилка/Bottle 750 ml
Алкохол/Alc 7,0% vol
Westmalle Dubbel – a strong dark beer with a reddish-brown color, with an alcohol content of 7.0%. It has a rich taste and aroma of coffee, dark malt and fruit, with a long, dry aftertaste. This is the first example of Dubbel Trappist beer. It was put into production in 1856, and the recipe for production was last changed in 1926.
Weight | 1.200 kg |
Alcohol | 6-8,9 |
Пивоварна/Търговска марка | Westmalle Trappist abbey |
Country | Belgium |
Опаковка | Glass |
Количество | 750ml |
Style | Dubbel, Trappist |