Tripel Karmeliet 750ml
Бутилка/Bottle 750 ml
Алкохол/Alc 8,4% vol
Tripel Karmeliet is a golden Belgian beer with 8.4% alcohol by volume brewed by Brouwerij Bosteels in Buggenhout, Belgium. It was first brewed in 1996 and uses three cereals: wheat, oats and barley. It is brewed according to a 1679 recipe derived from the old Carmelite convent in Dendermonde. Tripel Karmeliet has a complex gold to blond colour, with a little head. This is partly due to the cereals but also to the limited use of Styrian hops, the abundant herbs and fruity aroma of the used yeast. This beer has not only the lightness and freshness of wheat, but also the creaminess of oats, and it also has a spicy, lemony dryness almost reminiscent of quinine.
Weight | 1.200 kg |
Alcohol | 6-8,9 |
Пивоварна/Търговска марка | Bosteels Brewery |
Country | Belgium |
Опаковка | Glass |
Количество | 750ml |
Style | Ale |