Chimay 150 Green 750 ml
Бутилка/Bottle 740 ml
Алк./Alc. 10% vol
Chimay 150 Green is a strong, blond beer. Refreshing and fruity, tasty and intense. Its mint, bergamot, lime and eucalyptus aromas will take you on a surprising journey. Its delicate hints of rosemary and clove go perfectly with the subtle floral notes, enhanced by a touch of invigorating ginger. Its mellow, rounded body and smoky, spicy flavour are typical of Chimay beers, and will leave you with an exquisitely sophisticated aftertaste.
Chimay 150 Trappist was brewed for the first time in 2012 as a limited edition. Chimay 150 brewed for the brewery`s 150th anniversary.
Weight | 1.200 kg |
Алкохол | 9-10% |
Пивоварна/Търговска марка | Brasserie de Chimay |
Държава | Белгия |
Опаковка | Стъклена бутилка |
Количество | 750ml |
Стил | Belgian Blonde, Trappist |